卡森城 住宅的鹿 Herd



骡子 deer are found throughout 内华达 in many types of habitats, including neighborhoods and backyards. The 黑尾鹿 gets its name from the size of its mule-like ears. 骡子 deer are very popular game 动物 in 内华达. The breeding season, called “rut,” typically occurs in November. 女 deer, called does, typically give birth to one or two offspring in late spring 或者初夏. Only the males, or bucks, have antlers. 他们每隔一段时间 一年. 骡子 deer migrate annually from high mountain habitats where they summer, to lower elevations in the winter, to avoid deep snow and to find food. 骡子 deer are the primary food source for cougars.  As such, cougars follow deer during their annual migrations. 它们可以是 seen throughout 今年 and are mainly active at dusk and dawn. 在冬天,它们 may be active throughout the day. They are surprisingly powerful and quick 动物.

骡子 deer are among the most watchable 内华达 wildlife, and can generally be seen throughout the state during all seasons of 今年. They have become 一年-round residents in 卡森城, Genoa, Verdi and Lamoille. 记住:总是观察 鹿远离安全距离. Deer are here to stay, learn to respect them, give them space and be aware they have predators so they can behave 积极. 

It is against the law to feed big game mammals (关系,501.382).

If you have an encounter with aggressive wildlife, please alert the Sheriff’s office near you or call the 内华达 Department of 野生动物.  

卡森城 Sheriff (775) 887-2677

内华达 Department of 野生动物 (775) 688-1506

卡森城 has a residential deer herd that lives 全年都在城里. These deer will regularly feed on many plants used in the 住宅景观. For a complete list of deer-resistant plants click 在这里.

欲知详情,请浏览 内华达 Department of 野生动物.